Music Library
1 min read


  • flac
  • raspberrypi

Using a Raspberry PI with a USB CD drive to read all my CDs and create a master, FLAC format, repository and from that create MP3 and AAC versions for the car and iTunes.

sudo apt-get install abcde
sudo apt-get install flac

Then read the file with

abcde -a cddb,read,getalbumart,encode,tag,move,clean -j 4 -B -o flac -N 

To make abcde create file names in the format that I prefer create .abcde.conf in the users’ home directory containing:


mungefilename ()
    echo "$@" | sed -e 's/^\.*//' | tr -d ":><|*/\"'?[:cntrl:]"

And encode it as AAC using

ffmpeg -i "01 - Santas Coming for Us.flac" -c:v mjpeg -vf scale=500:500 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -threads 4 "01 - Santas Coming for Us.m4a"

This could be rolled up as followed with find/xargs

find . -name "*.flac" -print0 | xargs -0 -P 4 -I{} ffmpeg -i {} -c:v mjpeg -vf scale=500:500 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -n {}.m4a

The -n here causes it to skip files where the output file already exists so the command can be run again on an existing directory tree. -P 4 forks 4 copies of ffmpeg.

Finally copy it the m4a files to ~/Music/Music/Media/Automatically Add to Music.localized