Bose SoundTouch and Mini DLNA
~1 min read


  • juniper

Bose have a Windows application can host your music library, however I don’t have a Windows machine turn on permanently and I’d prefer a low power Raspberry PI option.

Install Mini DLNA

apt-get install minidlna

Copy the Music over to the staging folder. I have my MP3 files on an external hard disk so I’ll copy them over link this

ar -c /mnt/Music -cvf - . | tar -C /var/lib/minidlna -xf -

Set the file ownership

chown -R minidlna:minidlna /var/lib/minidlna /var/cache/minidlna

Sometimes you need to delete the database from /var/cache/minidlna/files.db and restart the service

service minidlna stop
rm /var/cache/minidlna/files.db
service minidlna start

Check the status at http://<host_ip>:8200

Now on the Bose SoundTouch app go to Add Service, Music Library on NAS and select your Pi from the list: